Monday, April 13, 2020

Does job satisfaction generate high worker performance Essay Example Essay Example

Does job satisfaction generate high worker performance? Essay Example Paper Does job satisfaction generate high worker performance Essay Introduction In this essay, I am going to evaluate the effect of job satisfaction on work performance. It is not the first time that this topic has been investigated. There is a lot of past research which link these two variables. The topic is still a live one and is even more important in the twenty-first century given the longer working hours culture. A recent survey show that a great number of workers lack job satisfaction these days compared with a decade ago. Today companies intent on achieving growth and profitability need to consider job satisfaction as it not only saves costs in terms of staff retention but may also increase profitability due to increased staff performance. In order to achieve these aims the modern manager needs to understand what motivates his workers, what job satisfaction means to them, how it can be measured and how it can be implemented practically in the workplace. Some studies found that there is no link between those two criterions whereas other studies found that there is a slight link. For example, (Iaffaldano, and Muchinsky 1985) have found and described Does job satisfaction generate high worker performance? Essay Body Paragraphs link between satisfaction and performance as a link between two factors that logically or intuitively should connect but in reality do not. On the other hand, (Judge and Thoresen and Bono and Patton 2001) have found that satisfaction and performance are only slightly related. Next, I described value percept theory and job characteristics. In 1976, (Hackman and Oldham) argue that skill variety; task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback result in high level of three psychological states, making work tasks more satisfying. Then, (Schleicher, Watt Greguras 2004) argue that satisfaction might lead to performance, and performance might lead to satisfaction. In addition, studies of life satisfaction have found that job satisfaction is directly connected with life satisfaction (e.g. Adams, King, King, 1996 p. 242). . Further, there is evidence linking job satisfaction to citizenship behaviour commitment (Hoffman, Blair, Meriac, and Woeher 2007). In summary, I concluded opinio n that generally happy employee work and perform better, however it depend on many factors, and it is associated with many aspects of our life. In 1964, Vroom revised 20 studies and came up with the result that there is a small relation between job satisfaction and job performance. Twenty years later Iaffaldano and Muchinsky reviewed over 200 studies and reported similar findings. They said that their ought to be a link between satisfaction and performance but in reality there was not. In regard of job satisfaction is a factor in the organizational behaviour along with job performance, a human brain prompt that the two must be related together. (Judge, Thoresen, Bono and Patton) made a greater and more complex meta-analysis in 2001. Judge et al conducted a through meta-analysis of 312 studies. Their results were different to that of Vroom and Iaffaldano and Muchinsky. Judge asserted that the reason that this was so because previous studies had focused on managers ratings of staff pe rformance which were not always accurate. Further, the performance ratings used had often been produced for organisational purposes rather than to measure job satisfaction. This can produce inaccuracy in performance measurement. Relationship of satisfaction with performance would be stronger if more measures that are accurate were used According to the value percept theory job satisfaction depends on whether or not a worker receive from his or her boss the things that are important to them. That said, it is probably uncontroversial to assert that job satisfaction will have an impact on a worker’s performance and on his or her commitment to his or her organisation. If a worker is satisfied in and with your job and experience pleasant feelings while you are on duty, you may execute your job better because positive emotions are usually empowering. On the other hand, when a worker is dissatisfied in his or her job negative feelings may result which become evidence in the way in w hich the role is performed. This leads to consideration of why one worker might enjoy a certain role while another worker hates the same role. Investigation has found that workers are satisfied when the employer provides them with the things that they value (Value Theory). According to the Value Percept Theory, value play important role in job satisfaction. Values are those things which workers wittingly or unwittingly want to seek or attain. Workers’ frequently evaluate their job satisfaction according to specific criteria such as pay, promotion, the extent to which they are supervision, their relations with co-workers, and the work itself. In addition, different people value different things. This depends on age, culture, background, country, etc. A number of studies suggest that satisfaction with work itself is the strongest driver of overall job satisfaction. Researcher began focusing on those issues in the 1950 and 1960, and come up with the result that boring jobs may b e easier, but not absolutely better. One of the most influential of the theories that relate to the nature of jobs to performance is (Hackman and Oldham’s jobs characteristics theory 1976). This theory is based on assumption that people can be motivated by intrinsic nature of job tasks. Research suggests that three psychological states make work satisfying. For example if you think about times when you felt proud of a job well done, you were probably experiencing all three psychological states. You were aware of the results, you felt you were somehow responsible for that result, and felt that the result of the work was somehow meaningful. According to (Schleicher, Watt, Greguras, 2004) there is evidence linking job satisfaction to job performance but there are two opposite explanations. Firstly, satisfied employees who like their jobs work much harder and perform better, to fulfilling the duties described in their job description. Secondly, job performance might link to satis faction. Another important issue concerns that contribution of job satisfaction to overall life satisfaction. We can use as an example situation when you meet a new people for the first time, the first question that people ask after being introduced is what do you do? Where are you working? Why it is happen? It is because the most of the time in our live we spent at work. You probably feel better about your life when you feel better about your job. Very often people bring work home and vice versa. Unhappy worker when comes back home bring together with him or her bad mood and dissatisfaction. Opposite situation occurs when you are satisfied in your family life, you are arguably satisfied in your work (Adams at el 1996). For most people, the job is an important component of life, providing not only resources of life, but a sense of purpose and social contact as well. It is inevitable that people will react emotionally to workplace events and situations. The expression of emotion at w ork can sometimes be an important part of the job. did a research on fourteen workers. They were asked to complete rates of their mood and satisfaction on a thousand occasions of stressful events. A result showed that positive emotions were associated with greater job satisfaction; and the stressful events led to emotions that are more negative. There is also support evidence noted that positive emotions improve creativity, higher job performance, less withdrawn, and contextual performance (Ashkanasay, Hartel, and Daus 2002). Happy employees engage in behaviours to help their co-workers and their organization. Meta analyses of organizational behaviour commitment suggest that Organizational Citizen Behaviour is most probably when people are satisfied with their jobs, have good relations with their co workers and managers, and feel they are treated fairly (Hoffman, Blair, Meriac, Woeher, 2007 ). There are benefits of these behaviours in terms of the effectiveness of work. Higher level s of citizenship behaviour promoted higher satisfaction and higher performance quality. Job satisfaction is also connected with normative commitment. Happy workers feel an obligation to repay the company whatever it is that makes them satisfied. Satisfied employee usually wants to stay with the organization for a longer period. In summary, Happy workers work and perform better. Researchers have put a considerable amount of effort into attempts to demonstrate that the two are positively related At a general level, workers are satisfied when their job provides the things that they value. Many of those values deal with the things that your work can give you. In addition, according to the value percept theory job satisfaction depends on whether or not a worker receives from his or her boss the things that are important to them. Research has linked job satisfaction to a number of environment variables. Job satisfaction has been shown to correlate with job characteristics. Not only does j ob satisfaction have an impact on a individual’s working life but in addition it may well be the case that job satisfaction is highly correlated with life satisfaction for the simple reason that people spend a large proportion of their time at work. Mood and emotions are important factors in job satisfaction, The experience of positive emotions by employees on the job can have positive effects on employees and organizations, whereas the experience of negative emotions can have the opposite effects Sometimes workers go the extra step by engaging in behaviours that are not in their job description. Organizational commitment is another attitudinal variable that is popular among researcher. Commitment concerns the workers attachment to the organization. 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